Legislative Decree 231/2001: Organisation, management and control model
In order to ensure fairness and transparency in the conduct of company business activities, CLS has adopted an “Organisational, management and control model” in line with Legislative Decree 231/2001 and the Code of Ethics of the Tesa Group, of which it is a part.
Legislative Decree 231/2001 introduced into our legal system the principle that Companies hold administrative liability for certain illegal activities committed by third parties in their own interest or to their own advantage.
In order to ensure fairness and transparency in the conduct of company business activities, CLS – CGT Logistica Sistemi S.p.A. has considered it necessary to adopt an “Organisation, management and control model” in line with the provisions of the Decree. The application of this Model, supplemented by the adoption of the Code of Ethics of the Tesa Group, of which CLS – CGT Logistica Sistemi S.p.A. is a part, constitutes a constant point of reference so that all employees of CLS – CGT Logistica Sistemi SpA and all parties with whom the Company interacts (suppliers, consultants and customers) may follow the ethical and conduct rules adopted, as an essential basis for its business (the principles of legality, integrity, transparency, accountability and fairness).
The Organisational Model and Code of Ethics thus implement in full the business values and principles that have always guided the TESA Group and with which they fully identify.
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